Company Secretarial Service
Company Secretarial Service
The position of Company Secretary is a very important one as s/he is responsible for providing advice and guidance to the Board on company law and regulations.
Every company, including a single member company, is required by law to have a Company Secretary. The responsibilities of the Company Secretary are laid down in the Companies Act 2014.
It is essential that the person appointed to this position has the requisite knowledge and experience to discharge the functions of Company Secretary.
Our services in this area include:
- Provide Company Secretary.
- Provide registered office address.
- Keep the Company seal and minute book.
- Maintain register of shareholders/members.
- Issue Share Certificates/Membership Certificates to new owners.
- Lodge change of Directors Form at Companies Office (as necessary).
- Prepare Annual Returns and file at Companies Office.
- Keep Companies Office file up to date.
- Advise the Board of Directors generally in relation to the Company’s Directors Meetings – Prepare and circulate notices and minutes of Meeting.
- AGM – Prepare and circulate notices, audited accounts and minutes of Meeting.
- Postage, stationery and photocopying in relation to the above.